Woodside Avenue, London, N10 3JA

0208 883 6540

St James C of E Primary School

Learning to live, living to learn, learning from Christ

Equal Opportunities & Accessibility Policies

At St James Primary School, we value the individuality of all of our children. We are committed to every child every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils' varied experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, and have high expectations of all children. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of every child matter.

Our Equal Opportunities and Objectives policy and our Accessibility Policy are intended to help to ensure that this school promotes the individuality of all children, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, attainment, age, disability, gender or background.  These polices are reviewed regularly as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.


You can read our Equality policy and objectives  here

You can read our Accessibility policy and plan here