Woodside Avenue, London, N10 3JA

0208 883 6540

St James C of E Primary School

Learning to live, living to learn, learning from Christ

Staying In Touch

Did you know there are lots of ways to keep in touch with us…


To find out any kind of information

Our website is a great place for information and you can find out everything from your child’s home learning and what they are studying in class to what our school policy is on safeguarding.  Our E safety page has lots of great tips on keeping children safe online and our calendar shows you everything that is happening at school.  We also have a page called Frequently Asked Questions that may help if you’re searching for something.  You can find our website at

You can email the School Office at any time at  You can call us 0208 883 6540 or just pop in if you have a question about anything from trips to ParentPay or school lunches to medicines.

Our Friday newsletter gives you a great idea of everything we’ve been up to during the week and the front page has a diary section with all our upcoming events and dates.

Remember to check your emails from school.  This is how we send home information and reminders about trips, non uniform days etc.  We also use email to contact you about any incidents that might have occurred at school during the day.

If there is an emergency or your child is ill, we will call you at once.  If we cannot get hold of you, we will call the second contact number on your form and keep trying until we do.


Finding out about our curriculum

You can find out what your child is learning in class this week by visiting their class page on our website.

We also hold parent information meetings where we share how we teach subjects such as phonics at school or Maths and how you can help your child at home.


Talking to teachers

Over the year we hold two parents evenings (in the Autumn and Spring terms) where you can book time with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress.

Every Tuesday we have an informal drop in from 3.30pm – 4.30pm where any parent can drop in without an appointment to meet with their child’s class teacher. 

We also have an open evening for all parents where you can walk around the school, talk to teachers and look at your child’s work.

If you would like to talk to your child’s class teacher and cannot make this time, you can email them at and a message will be passed on to them for them to respond to, or you can book an appointment with them via the School Office.

You can also book an appointment to see Ms O’Brien or our SENCO Miss Newman, by emailing, calling or popping into the Office.


Hearing your thoughts and opinion

It’s important to us to get your opinion on certain things so we know what we are doing well at and where we can improve.  Every year we will ask you to complete a parental questionnaire and the results are presented to Governors.  We will also send out questionnaires about things specific topics such as homework and we will regularly ask pupil’s opinions via the same method.

If you are a pupil in our school, the School Council is a great way of getting your thoughts and opinions heard.  You can either try out for School Council elections or ask your class rep to bring up a matter at the next School Council meeting.

And if you want to remain anonymous, there are suggestion boxes in every class and worry boxes if you’d like to get something off your chest.


Contacting our Governors

You can contact our Governors at any time by emailing  We also have a Governor suggestion box outside the office if you would like to contact them via this method.  The box will be checked regularly and any message passed onto them as quickly as possible.

Our Governors are also regularly at whole school events such as church assemblies, sports day, our Summer Fair and parents evening.  They are happy to chat to you at any of these times so do please stop and say hello.


New parents

We welcome visits and enquiries from new parents at any time.  We have six open mornings a year, but if you are unable to make these then please contact the Office who will arrange a visit for you.

The Office are also able to answer any questions on admissions so please call them on 0208 883 6540.

When you have been offered a place at St James Primary, we will send you an information booklet with everything you need to know about starting school.

Finally, if you are joining us in Reception , we will arrange for you to meet with our Reception teacher so your child settles  in well and we organise, with St James Church a social evening where new parents can meet each other informally.





During the COVID 19 pandemic, to ensure the safety of our staff and children, our school is closed to visitors and parents without a prior appointment.

To get in touch to make an appointment, you can call us on 0208 883 6540 or email us at

To arrange a time to talk to your child's class teacher you can email on and they will be able to call you back at a time that is convenient for both of you.

To directly email our Head, you can use or call the Office to organise a face to face appointment if necessary.