Woodside Avenue, London, N10 3JA

0208 883 6540

St James C of E Primary School

Learning to live, living to learn, learning from Christ

Privacy Statement

As you may be aware, new legislation is now in force to do with personal data protection.  This change gives individuals the right to know what personal data is held by organisations, what it is used for and who it is shared with.  We’d like to reassure you that we are compliant with the new legislation and that we only keep the following information:

  • That which we are required to by law – for example pupil names, start dates, information on pupil’s progress
  • That which we are required to ensure the health, safety and well being of our pupils – for example details of medical conditions, dietary information, allergy information
  • That which you, as parents, have consented to and supplied us with – for example emergency contacts, email addresses, consent forms.

We share some of this information with third parties such as Haringey Council, which we are required to do by law, but we never share personal information for marketing purposes.  If in doubt, we would always seek your permission before sharing personal information.  As a school, we will only contact you with information that we feel is relevant to keep you informed such as the weekly newsletter and information on trips for your child.  If you wish to stop receiving these, please let us know


To read our new privacy statement in full, please click here  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.  We also have a visitor privacy notice which you will find in our reception area or you can request a copy from the Office by emailing us at


You can also see our Data Protection policy or our Freedom Of Information policy