Woodside Avenue, London, N10 3JA

0208 883 6540

St James C of E Primary School

Learning to live, living to learn, learning from Christ

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies

As a school, we believe in supporting all aspects of children's development and learning and keeping children safe.

Here are some direct links to just some of our policies designed to keep our pupils safe.

Safeguarding and Child Protection policy 2022 - 2023

Anti bullying policy

Online Safety policy



To find out more about safeguarding follow these two links to other pages on our website

Safeguarding at St James

E Safety at St James


If you have any more questions or concerns about safeguarding, please come into the Office where we can help or send us an email at

Key Safeguarding Personnel At St James Primary School

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Annie Moore, Head Of School

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Maddy Newman, Emily Boston

Safeguarding Link Governor - Estelle Addy