Woodside Avenue, London, N10 3JA

0208 883 6540

St James C of E Primary School

Learning to live, living to learn, learning from Christ

Pupil Premium

At St James Primary School, we have high aspirations and ambitions for all our children, we believe that all children have the right to an outstanding education.

Pupil premium money is carefully targeted to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as students from less deprived families. At St James Primary, we ensure that spending is directly linked to narrowing the gaps in attainment between pupil premium children and non-pupil premium children. We make use of our own data to expand existing interventions. We strive to ensure that children are exposed to outstanding teaching and learning on a day to day basis. 


Our objectives for Pupil Premium spending in 2021 - 2022 are:

Develop reading skills through regular targeted support

Improve Maths progress and attainment through regular targeted support

Increase attendance at out of school hour’s clubs

Increase funding available for financial assistance

Out total pupil premium allocation for 2021 - 2022 academic year is £22,520


For more detailed information on our Pupil Premium plan, spending and impact, please click here

To apply for free school meal premium

Please see complete the application form from Haringey here.  You will also need to provide your child's date of birth and how you are related to them.  Please return all applications to the School Office which will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Review of 2020 - 2021 Pupil Premium Expenditure

Total pupil premium allocation for  academic year: £14,450

Summary of objectives Summary of expenditure Impact on progress and attainment of eligible pupils Comments

To close the gap in attainment in reading and Maths between PP and non-PP pupils

For PP pupils to make expected rate of progress or better in reading, writing and Maths

Emotional wellbeing of PP pupils is supported across the school

For pupils to acquire key skills needed to succeed and transition to secondary school

PP pupils may be in need of catch up opportunities.  To ensure that families have access to the necessary resources including technology for home learning

Expenditure and Review for current academic year (2020-2021)

COVID 19: It is important to note that lockdown has been a significant barrier for PP pupils and while strategies have been put in place to offer an increased level of support, these have not always been taken up by the pupils and their families. Teachers report that the amount of work submitted by the majority of PP pupils has been varied and some pupils have had minimal contact with class teacher during this time.
COVID closure of school in March 2020 caused interruptions to children’s support, particularly around family wellbeing and financial support provided due to individual circumstances